All About Depression Care Center

Getting Rid of Dark Spots

Dec 13

Your skin takes on color as a result of melanin, a chemical in the body. More melanin is created as a result of spending time in the sunlight. If your body creates too much melanin, you may get freckles or dark spots and age spots. These dark spots are distressing to some people. If you want to get rid of them, you have a few options.

Your first option is a chemical peel, which works well to get rid of dark spots. During a chemical peel, dead cells are taken away so that new cells can take their place. These new cells do not have as much melanin in them as the old ones, so the skin improves in appearance. However, chemical peels may be tough on your skin. Therefore, you need allow time for your skin to heal afterwards. It is also important to make sure to use a suitable moisturizer when the process is finished.

If chemical peels are not right for you, try exfoliating instead. Through this process, dead skin cells are removed, which allows other skin cells to take their place. These cells do not have as much melanin. There is nothing wrong with exfoliating each day, as long as your skin can tolerate it. There are a number of products on the market, but sugar also works well. In addition, keep your eyes out for exfoliating gloves. Much like with a chemical peel, it is important to moisturize after the process is complete.

You can also try a topical treatment. Check the label and look for alpha hydroxy acids. These products lighten the skin. Also, a few other good ingredients to look for are retinoids and beta hydroxy acids. They get rid of dead skin cells and improve the overall appearance of your skin. However, some of these creams are strong and should be used with caution. If your skin is very sensitive, or if you are prone to breakouts, do not use these treatments. Alternatively there are natural plant based products, such as Amaira, that are more gentle on the skin.

If you have dark spots, you need to cover up when you go outside. They are the result of prolonged exposure to the sun, so it is important to keep that from happening again. Always wear sunscreen, and consider investing in a nice sun hat as well.

If you have dark spots, you do not have to live with them forever. Figure out which of the above treatments works for you and stick with it. If you continue to have trouble, consider seeing a dermatologist for best results.