Is it sometimes unpleasant for you to eat ice cream or drink a cup of hot coffee? Do you squirm when brushing or flossing your teeth? You may have sensitive teeth if this is the case. So how can a Rockhill Dentist help you with that? That is what we will talk about today!
The crowns of your teeth—the region above the gum line—are protected by a layer of enamel in healthy teeth. The tooth root is protected by a layer of cementum beneath the gum line. Dentin lies beneath both the enamel and the cementum. When dentin becomes exposed, it can cause tooth sensitivity.
There are several ways to treat tooth sensitivity:
If your teeth are sensitive to cold, a dentist may recommend that you use a desensitizing toothpaste or rinsing solution. These products work by coating the teeth with a material that blocks the transmission of sensation from the tooth to the nerve.
If your teeth are sensitive to sweet, acidic, or hot foods, your dentist may recommend that you use a toothpaste or mouth rinse that contains fluoride. Fluoride strengthens the enamel and makes it more resistant to acid attacks.
If your gums are receding, your dentist may recommend a gum graft. This is a surgical procedure in which healthy gum tissue is taken from another part of your mouth and used to cover the exposed tooth root.
If you have cavities, your dentist may recommend that you have them repaired.
If you have worn-out fillings, your dentist may recommend that you replace them.
If you have gum disease, your dentist may recommend that you have it treated.
In some cases, your dentist may recommend that you use a nightguard or splint. This is a custom-made mouthguard that you wear at night to protect your teeth from grinding.
Dentin has fewer tiny tubules than enamel and cementum and is less dense (small hollow tubes or canals). When the enamel or cementum on the dentin wears away, these tubules allow heat and cold, acidic or sticky substances to access the nerves and cells within the tooth. When the gums recede, the dentin may be revealed. Hypersensitivity is a possible outcome..
Teeth that are sensitive can be addressed. The treatment will be determined by the cause of the sensitivity. Your dentist may recommend one of the following treatments:
Toothpaste with desensitizing properties. This contains components that assist inhibit sensation transmission from the tooth surface to the nerve, and it usually takes a few applications to diminish sensitivity..
Fluoride varnish is a resin-based fluoride that is applied directly to the teeth by your dentist. It strengthens the tooth enamel and provides long-lasting sensitivity relief.
Sealants are used to cover exposed root surfaces and protect them from further damage and decay.
A crown, inlay, or bonding are all options. These can be employed to correct sensitivity caused by a fault or deterioration.
Gum graft surgery. This will protect the root and lessen sensitivity if gum tissue has been lost from the root.
Gum graft surgery. This will protect the root and lessen sensitivity if gum tissue has been lost from the root.
If you are someone who struggles with sensitive teeth, we want you to know that you are not alone. There are many things to consider when trying to find relief from tooth sensitivity. We hope that the information in this blog post has been helpful and informative. If you have any further questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us here at River District Smiles. We would be happy to help!